Our Team (C-Level)

Our Mission
There’s a growing demand for shorter times to market, for bespoke products, produced near the end user. The Siemens’ Additive Manufacturing Network has a simple mission: to accelerate the mass adoption of industrial additive manufacturing.
For mass adoption, the global AM industry needs more intelligent ecosystems and simplified supply chains. Our constantly evolving solution provides advancement, education, access to and exchange of knowledge, as well as dedicated services, technology and tools.

Siemens AM Activities
Siemens’ innovation spans over 160 years from the Pointer Telegraph to the brink of the fourth industrial revolution. As one of the leading industrial manufacturers in the world, Siemens has always focused on harnessing advanced technologies to pioneer every field we work in.
Our AM activities ranges from designing high-end AM parts, running state-of-the-art AM production facilities and providing the most comprehensive AM digital products. Siemens is now the only company in the world to offer automated solutions and integrated software for industrial use.
For more information on the automated Additive Manufacturing Factory 4.0, click here.
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